Ulisses Reis
Founder & Owner
Brief info
Born in Lisbon and surfing since 1977, he has lived in various places. After living in the United States of America, Australia, Mozambique, he finally settled in Portugal. He started teaching surf in 1998 - he was the first teacher giving classes in Ribeira D’Ilhas beach (the Surf Camp - way before Surf had such a wild fever). As a matter of fact, along with other people, he helped dynamize the surf movement in Ericeira, Portugal - which is one of the current World Surf Reserves. He established his first nomad school in 2002 - Gypsy On The Move which consisted in a mobile van that would promote several surf trips. Blue Ocean Surf School was then funded in 2008 and has been working towards promoting quality classes that truly focus on the student’s needs. Due to the contact with surf in Australia, he felt the need to establish a business that would provide high performance boards to those who are seeking to expand their skills.
Speaking Languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish